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A Beginner’s Guide to Buying, Selling, and Trading Children's Clothes

Coucou, and welcome back to our blog! Today we’ll be diving into the world of buy, sell, trade, or B/S/T if you’re new here. Within the premium and small production world of kids fashion,  it’s important to note that buy, sell, and trade isn’t just about offloading your old used kids clothes. Children’s clothing resale is strategic and it allows parents to have the ability to invest in some of the most beautiful children’s clothing brands while also being able to resell them in the future to recoup their money or even turn a profit! 

Reselling kids clothes isn’t all that easy. When it comes to B/S/T, you have to play your cards right! If you’re looking to recoup your investment or even turn a profit, you’ll have to invest in the right brands. You can forget about the children’s clothing stores you’ll find at the mall because those generally won’t perform well on the resale market. While they may appear to be the more economical choice, these used kids clothes are not worth much on the buy, sell, trade market. 

In this guide, we’ll be discussing which type of brands perform well on the childrens clothing resale market, where to B/S/T, and some considerations you’ll want to be aware of. Consider this blog your 101 course in the buy, sell and trade of used kids clothes!

The Brands to Shop

Misha and Puff Skating Pond skirt

The Misha and Puff Skating Pond Skirt nearly always sells out in a flash and is therefore immediately sought after on the B/S/T.

On the children’s clothing resale market, brands are everything! In general, the brands that perform the best are those that are available in limited quantities. Yes, it all boils down to the age-old adage of supply and demand. Small batch brands like Soor Ploom, Misha and Puff, Piupiuchick, Rylee and Cru, Apolina, Louise Misha, Bobo Choses, Mini Rodini, and Tiny Cottons all perform exceptionally well on the secondary market. And, the competition for some of these pieces is fierce! Because these brands are produced in small batches, and have done s superb job at creating designs that many of us (and our little ones) want, their collections are highly sought after, meaning the demand is higher than the available supply. Herein enters the B/S/T market, where some of the pieces from these brands can sell for double and even triple the retail price! At the very least, most retain original retail 50 - 70% of their value.


Apolina dress

Apolina dresses are always a great investment and retain their value on B/S/T.

Now, the great thing about shopping for these brands is that first and foremost they’re beautifully made. Using organic and repurposed materials, fair working conditions, and nostalgic designs that are ultra classic, they’re brands you’ll love to dress your kids in. Yes, they can be a bit pricey, but once your kids outgrow them, you’ll have no problem reselling them and recouping your money. And, these clothing brands are made to last! Designed to be worn for years and passed from one generation to the next, your pieces will wear well over time and you’ll have no problem passing these gently loved kids clothes on. 

Where to B/S/T

While there are many forums for the buy, sell, and trade of used kids clothes, the most popular ones exist on Facebook. The mommy community on Facebook is fierce with zillions of pages that you can request to join to sell kids clothes. Now, we appreciate that ‘zillions’ of pages might be a bit overwhelming, which is why we’re providing you with a list of a few Facebook B/S/T pages you’ll want to check out!


When you check out these pages, you’ll notice that this community is very serious. There are a lot of rules to follow on these Facebook pages and if you don’t respect them, you can expect to be removed from the group. Understandably, there are risks related to selling online, which is why these pages run such a tight ship! 

While these Facebook pages are a great forum to sell, most seasoned resellers cross post across multiple sites. Poshmark and Depop are both popular resale sites that can be very lucrative, however, you’ll have to consider that they both take a commission. If you’re looking to maximize your earnings, especially in this kids market, Facebook is your best bet!

Sustainability in Buy, Sell, Trade

Soor Ploom knitwear

The Soor Ploom knitwear collection is produced in very limited quantities, making it a sustainable investment that you can confidently re-sell.

The buy, sell, and trade of children’s clothes really is its own world! Not only is it an incredible opportunity to recoup the cash you’ve invested in your children’s clothing, but it’s also sustainable. Each of the brands we’ve mentioned is committed to sustainability by producing in small batches and using organic or repurposed materials. You can learn more about the importance of sustainable children’s clothes in our last blog post

The B/S/T of used baby clothes and children's clothes also contributes to the circular movement of fashion, reducing both over-production and over-consumption! Give new life to your stunning children’s clothing pieces by reselling them and allowing someone else to enjoy them and create memories. 

The Community

It's important to mention that the resell community is no joke and members take these B/S/T pages very seriously. With that being said, there are a lot of amazing people on these pages. With parents from all over the world, you’ll be exposed to a whole community of like-minded parents. You might even bond over shared interests and make a few friends!

Of course, in every community, you might come across some competitive people. Because the used kids clothes sold on these pages are brands that produce in such limited quantities, the competition can get the best of people! Price gouging, fighting over pieces, low balls, and “tire kicking” can be both irritating and discouraging. Our advice? Stay out of the drama and reap the benefits of being able to pass down your beautiful children’s clothes!


There you have it! Everything you need to know to get started in the buy, sell, trade community, including the brands to shop, where to sell, and some important considerations. As you can see, B/S/T is a strategic process, and while it may seem like a lot of work it can be well worth it! 

At CouCou, our collection of children’s clothing is curated to include some of the most precious and sought-after children's brands from all over the world! Contribute to circular fashion by investing in our amazing brands that you can easily resell when your children outgrow them. And, with their impressive resale value, you’ll be able to continue clothing your children in all the best brands! 

That’s everything friends! Keep your eyes peeled on our site and subscribe to our newsletter so that you never miss a launch. 

  • À Bientôt (see you soon)!



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